Rage against Camp John Hay

A “misleading” press release was reportedly issued by the Bases Conversion and Development Authority claiming victory in a case before the Court of Appeals.

Is BCDA is playing dirty tactics when they announced that the government will be taking charge of Camp John Hay.

...but the arbitration case in Singapore is not yet over.

The rage between the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and CJH Development Corp. seems nowhere to end.

Arnel Casanova is the Head of Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA).

While Robert John Sobrepeña is the Head of Camp John Hay Development Corporation (CJHDevCo).

Sobrepeña’s group won the bid to develop the property in the 1990s, but stopped paying lease rentals to the government since 1998.

The two parties must meet to settlement. Come up with a solution for the benefit of all affected.

The BCDA group issued a notice to investors on November 1. They claimed that the Court of Appeals had already lifted the injunction against BCDA, making it appear the private developers of Camp John Hay in Baguio are no longer in charge.

According to reports, BCDA filed estafa against Robert John L. Sobrepeña  chairman of Camp John Hay Development Corporation (CJHDevCo) for failing to remit the pay to the rent. There is such amount Camp John Hay Developer has failed to pay.

Arnel Casanova has reportedly singled out Robert John L. Sobrepeña  for estafa and unilaterally absolved the Board of Directors.

Business as usual inside the camp so CJHDEVCO will continue to have legal rights over the area until there will be a final court order issued for the Camp to be turned over to any party.

This issue could have ended only if both parties are willing to sit down and talk about things.

No rent is being paid for the use by a private entity of a government property.

Is BCDA just employing dirty tactics?

...by selectively quoting portions of the Court of Appeals decision.

But CJHDEVCO is not giving up to government's hands.