The Clearance

In the event created as a result of Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) accusing Robert Sobrepeña of neglecting to agree to his rental for a while inside the year 1998 - 2000 implying 1.5 Billion pesos of owed segment the Pasay City Regional Trial Court (In June 2014) has cleared Camp John Hay Development Corporation Chair and CEO Robert Sobrepeña of estafa case. It was recorded by the Department of Justice (DOJ).

On December 19, a seven-page request which the Department of Justice got, Pedro Gutierrez, Pasay RTC Branch 119 Judge, denied the advancement to reconsider the completion of the case as recorded by the association prosecutors in light of a true blue sympathy toward Bases Conversion Development Authority that sued Sobrepeña by neglect to satisfy an insurance on the lease understanding he stamped.

The decision noted a joint panel embodied officers of both Cjhdevco and BCDA ruled to permit the delay of installment.

Duplicating the terms of the 1996 lease assention between Camp John Hay Development Corporation (Cjhdevco)and BCDA, Cjhdevco was suppose to pay a yearly lease of 425 million pesos or 5% of the unpalatable compensations amidst the starting five years of the lease, whichever pays more. This deduces that inside the years of 1998, 1999, and 2000, Cjhdevco owed the lawmaking body a rental connoting 1.275 Billion pesos.

As indicated by Sobrepeña, Cjhdevco's operations were antagonistically affected in 1998 which results to accidents of around 1.445 Billion pesos which kept increasing on a regulated basis due to this reason, the cognizance was reproduced in the year 2000.

Cjhdevco likewise uncovered that inside the years 1998, 1999, and 2000, the affiliation announced an advantages which implies 928 millions.

For this, the DOJ raised that Cjhdevco deliberately picked not to perform its rental obligations to BCDA regardless of information of such and region of held compensation and other pay.

In 1998 budgetary clarifications, the DOJ likewise raised, "Cjhdevco could have remarkably acceptably landed at its rental obligation of P425,001,378 million had it decided to do so as seen by its displays of planning P674,065,290 by system for profits …

Uphelding the judge's September 3 decision, Arnel Casanova, BCDA President, passed on to recognize sensible diversion in Sobrepeña being denounced by confounding the affiliation's capacity to pay for Camp John Hay's rent.

In its request, the court said BCDA consented to change the dedication under the lease agreement.

The charged (Sobrepeña) can't be held dedicated for Cjhdevco members.

A Memorandum of Agreement dated July 18, 2003, acknowledged the Office of the President approved the July 14, 2000 MOA. It further acknowledged the delay by BCDA and John Hay Poro Point Development Corp (JPDC) in the demolition of structures inside Camp John Hay.